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Creative Brief

Peaches and Ming

Peaches and Ming

For Our Picky, Petite & Pampered Friends


The logo should convey a retro meets modern style using a woodcut Linotype style as pictured in the sample. It should be minimal balanced and easy to use on a website. So the shape shouldn’t be overly long or wide. If I needed to place this on the top corner of our website It should be easily seen. The cat and dog pictured should be almost exactly as the sample with the except of the cat. I’d like her to be adjusted to look like the real cat pictured. Her eyes should be more hazel and not as green as the sample. The puppy should be the same. I would like a colored and black n white version of the final. I have some other samples of line work. But what I have given you should give you no doubts. The main issue is to complete what I have already started. Like I said, I do not want to deviate with the actual animals. They should be positioned side by side and the cat is slightly taller. Your job is to compete the process. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.



not sure

Stick with the brief. Do not deviate from my request. There should be two versions, a colored and a black n white.


  • Mar 21, 2024 07:10 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    I asked for the dog look the same, just in more of a woodcut style. Please look at the samples. The final design should have the same quality or better as my logo listed on my website and in the brief.

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  • Mar 20, 2024 05:54 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Please submit a large enough image where I can actually see the details. Tiny images makes it look like it is pixelated, and copied and pasted 100 times. Thanks for your efforts. I want a clean woodcut design. Here is a sample of a woodcut logo concept sketch. You start off with a sketch and then lastly once the design is approved, you spend more time on the ink drawing (in illustrator).,

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  • Mar 18, 2024 05:24 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    The line patterns in woodcut styles do not have to be as detailed as the samples in the google search. They just have to have that style. I even said you could copy the puppy and convert it. The features of the cat I mainly wanted was the face to look like Peaches the cat. This takes the hands of an illustrator who can easier do this in Illustrator. But if you use AI, you will get something that isn't a vector and looks completely different. Of course you can vectorize AI work. I have AI, that's not going to help here because of my specific details. The last issue is originality. The pets and graphic design have to come together in the end so the design is clean, attractive and unique. It should have a minimal modern look. I am an art director and have been using this company to product logos for 8 years. What I have found is that the person who really is hungry to win, will read every single comment and produce and also communicate with me. So far no one has asked any questions. In the real world its a back and forward conversation until we are both on the same page. With the introduction to AI, some think they can be slick and submit a design using AI. It's unfair, not professional and cheating. AI can be great for art, concepts etc...but for professional logos, a business uses design contest for customization and interaction with designers. I have had success in the past years prior to AI. I want you to win. That's why I have taken the time to give detailed feed-back. Designers in the past have told me that my feed-back has helped them produce better work. Please give me what I have been asking for.

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  • Mar 18, 2024 05:09 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Woodcut style - black n white style based on my original samples and then colored. The black and white base makes it easy to color in the end. You can import the vector art into photoshop easily to color, but without an approved starting point, how can you just jump to a full colored design. It saves a lot of time. Here are more samples of woodcut artwork. It's a specific look. Some might call vintage.

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  • Mar 18, 2024 04:48 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Good morning everyone. The brief is pretty clear and straight forward. I will reiterate previous comments, since it seems like the details I have asked aren't being read and adhered to.

    1) The logo brief specially specified that the designs should be in the "Woodcut" style, unfortunately, none of the styles reflect my request.

    2) Please do not use AI for submissions

    3) Changes should be focused on the cat and not the dog, Peaches is a real cat and the whole point of this contest was to modify the cat to look like her. I asked in the brief to mainly focus on her face.

    4) The main purpose of the logo is to reflect our vision and have a design that is different than the current design. Only few are trying to do different graphic designs but I asked for
    a) No circles
    b) Do not us the tagline because it affects the appearance of the logo in a negative way. That was stated in my notes.

    5) Do copy and paste the total design in the brief. With the exception of the dog. I said you could redraw the dog and add more details

    6) Is it fair for me to pay for the exact design concept as the one I presented in my brief?

    7) I asked that the cat's eyes were green and no one followed those instruction.

    8) I asked for a black and white version that could be colored.

    I appreciate all of you taking the time to summit artwork. It's only fair to me that you actually read my brief and follow the guidelines I have placed with the updated notes.

    There has to be some professional considerations by actually making iterations based on my feed-back. If you submit a totally different design, you are either not following instructions or just don't care.

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  • Mar 14, 2024 05:47 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Updated mood board

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  • Mar 14, 2024 03:21 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Hello everyone,

    If you submit a new design, make sure you have read all of the comments and are actually making the changes I requested. Don't copy the style on the website. I don't want that look. If your design is on the right track make the modifications on that design.

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  • Mar 14, 2024 06:37 AM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Here is a mood board with sample logos and images with the style I am looking for. Also pay close attention to the graphic layout and how it is in harmony with the design.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 10:00 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder


    1) Go to the brief and write a list of the main points I mentioned. Number them.
    2) When designing the logo ask yourself is this according to point one, two etc....
    3) Read all comments. Write another list of my main points for example #1 could be = no tag line #2 omit the "and" and write the name as Peaches & Ming #3 Don't change Ming
    4) Don't use AI. It's obvious, I am also a designer so I know.
    5) Don't deviate from the style, look and feel of the original vintage meets modern woodcut style
    6) It has to be a vector
    7) It should be a completion of the original design. This is so easy. Your job really is to redesign Peaches in the same style and ask good graphic designs to the name "Peaches & Ming."
    8) When in doubt ask questions. All questions will be answered.
    9) Follow the feed-back given.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 09:53 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    We prefer to have the name "Peaches & Ming" below and not above the artwork. It just doesn't work in all of the submissions we've seen with it that way.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 09:09 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Use the "&" character in the logo's name please.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 08:59 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Designers, again, don't copy the design on my website or concept in any way. I am here for something new.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 08:57 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Note, I am a designer. I have hosted many contest so I know what to look for. Some of you are using AI to create your designs. STOP USING AI!

    The final design has to be an Illustrator vector file, so please follow the rules.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 08:52 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Note, the puppy should look exactly like the puppy in the description. The kitten should be cute and a merge with the sample kitten and the picture. This should be a vector design using Illustrator.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 08:50 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    For future designs, please omit the tagline because I see it takes too much space and affects the design.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 08:43 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    If you use AI to create this design, your design will be withdrawn from the competition.

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  • Mar 13, 2024 08:41 PM
    avatar User_2390536
    Project Holder
    Thank you for joining the contest. Please follow the instructions to the tee. I have a specific guidelines that must be followed. In previous contest I have allowed designers to create a logo from scratch. This case is different because I already have a design.

    1) Some of you have gone to the website and copied the previous design and have ignored everything I mentioned in my brief.

    2) Some of you have completely deviated from the puppy's look I requested. I specially asked you not to change the puppy and the focus was mainly only creating a kitten that looks like the picture with a similar style. If you have question, you should ask.

    3) The final design has to flow with the original design.

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