LogoDesign.net Names the World's 5 Worst Logos: Verizon, Cardinal Health, Foxconn, Alphabet, and Prudential plc

Philadelphia, PA, October 26, 2018 –– LogoDesign.net, a three-step platform for searching, customizing, and downloading over 5,000 logo images, announces its 2018 Annual List of the World's 5 Worst Logos.

The "winners" are:
  • Verizon: A red checkmark, which is as common as it looks, and looks nothing like a symbol for a Fortune 500 telecommunications company.
  • Cardinal Health: An abstract version of a wingspan, with three curvilinear lines on the left and four on the right. It looks more suitable for an airline than a health services provider, though this bird does not fly.
  • Foxconn : Its name in Encapsulated PostScript, which looks as inviting as an abandoned apartment building in Chernobyl. No wonder workers jump to their deaths.
  • Alphabet: Its name in red. Forget "Don't be evil." The logo should say: "Don't be creative."
  • Prudential plc: A drawing of the face of Prudence. This goddess looks like a man, baby! The company needs to hire a new artist.

"These logos are primitive, cheap, and embarrassing," says Janil Jean, Director of Overseas Operations for LogoDesign.net. "Each one neither denotes what a company does nor connotes feelings of loyalty, warmth, and value. Children can produce designs far less crude than these 5 failures."

About LogoDesign.net

Headquartered in suburban Philadelphia, LogoDesign.net is a free tool for creating a premium logo in minutes. Users can also format branding graphics for printing, packaging, and display ads, as well as materials for website promotions and social media marketing. For more information,visit https://www.logodesign.net/

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